A Selection from Flight Feathers by Gwendolyn Morgan | Bookstore»
Included in Wayfarer Magazine Issue 42
“ice finds itself bedeviled by activists, attorneys and politicians in the Pacific Northwest who are determined to gum up the machines of immigrant enforcement.” She remembers that a grateful heart illuminates the space around it. Underneath feathered clouds she waits outside the Immigration Detention Center. With mothers from around the world she leans against the cement wall cries for her children. Above rare “blue” (Snow Geese) mostly dark bodies and wings issue high-pitched laments.
Gwendolyn Morgan (she/her) is a Pacific Northwest poet and artist who has served in interfaith spiritual care in medical centers for nearly two decades. She learned the names of birds and inherited horsehair paint brushes and wooden paint boxes from her grandmothers. She is a recipient of a few residencies including a Centrum Artist Residency. The Clark County Poet Laureate 2018-2020 in Washington State, her third book of poetry, Before the Sun Rises (Wayfarer Books) is a Nautilus Silver Winner in Poetry. As a multiracial family in a multi-species watershed, they are committed to equity work and inclusion for all.