PART ONE: Winter in an Iowa Cornfield
Why start nattering about lucky tracks
Neath a waning storm on a tarnished night?
Haystacks in a disciplined platoon wait,
Hooded with coats, caves of hibernation
Standing in formation with watchfulness.
Six columns and six rows of perfection
Thirty-six baled soldiers in transition
Marching forward in a biting snow storm,
Blindly floundering in a final surge.
A good resistance fighter is lonely.
PART TWO: Spring on the Seine
A young girl in white is staring at Georges
Beside her overprotective mother
Midst a springtime cliché on a posh isle
Of jade smoke trees in daylight and shadow
Sustaining hues of commingled stippling
For a sternly idling Parisian crowd
Pretending to look like the bourgeoisie
At a standstill, artfully attracting
The notice of aristocratic ranks
In Seurat's condescending mockery.
PART THREE: Summer on Martha’s Vineyard
June Morning, passing the solstice, slaying
Embattled creatures in relenting trails,
Chasing away green skies of resistance.
Storm threat dissipating, shunning a wave
Of dawdling clouds chasing uncertain skies
Overlooking a surrendering fence.
Benton's centerpiece with the hollow cant
Of a surly tree dozing in malaise
Shuns the moonflower vines bringing reform
With the courageous song of young dogwoods.
PART FOUR: Autumn on a Stone Table
I perished and rose as your centerpiece
I'm staring at you, Bartolomeo,
Taunting your dormant anonymity,
Laughing at your vain obsession with books.
I’m shadowed by heaps of fruits and flowers,
Table of tribute, crowded vanitas.
My toothless threat is partially eclipsed
By autumn's harvest beginning to wilt.
I'm stuck in time with this peasant's basket
Vaguely like dinner table foliage.
Still Life with Fruit Basket and Vanitas by ‘The Master of the Acquavella Still Life’ (Anonymous), Circa AD 1600.
June Morning, Thomas Hart Benton (1945)
A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of Le Grande Jatte, Georges Seurat (1886)
Haystacks in the Snow, Grant Wood (1941)
Winter in Wartime, Jan Terlouw (1972)
Kenneth Boyd is an emerging poet and jazz musician. His poetry appeared in Of Poets & Poetry. His collection of poetry, Grasshopper Dreams, was published in 2023. According to Kirkus Reviews, “Page after page, Boyd offers a compilation of evocative and graceful poetry.” He holds a BA and MA from the University of Minnesota and worked as a marketing executive for IBM and other high-tech firms. He’s enrolled in the UCLA Extension Creative Writing Program studying under Miguel Murphy (Blue Linx Prize), Rosebud Ben-Oni (Alice James Award) and others. He’s a member of the Florida State Poets Association, the Florida Writer’s Association, the Academy of American Poets and the Poetry Society of America.